Products Page

Products Page

What is a product page?

A product page is a page on a website that helps customers decide what to buy. It includes different specs and features to help answer questions, provide reviews, allow product comparison, and facilitate the buying process.

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What should a product page include?

Here are the 7 product page requirements:

  1. Feature image.
  2. Gallery or product photos.
  3. Product overview, including title, price, features, CTA, and customization options.
  4. Product description.
  5. Social proof, including reviews and ratings.
  6. Similar product suggestions (upsell and cross-sell).
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What is a product page in eCommerce?

A product detail page, also known as a PDP, is a web page on an eCommerce website that provides information on a specific product. This information includes size, color, price, shipping information, reviews, and other relevant information customers want to know before purchasing.

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Products Page